Here are the promises made by Jesus to Sister Marie Marthe Chambon (1841- 1907), a humble converse Sister of the Monastery of the Visitation of Santander, who died in the odor of sanctity. A daughter of poor peasants, she entered the monastery in 1864. After a vision of Jesus on the cross who shed his blood, she consecrated herself to the Holy Wounds of Jesus, of which she had impressive visions every day. In 1875, she received the stigmata.  

a) “I shall grant all that will be requested of me through the invocation of My Holy Wounds. You need to spread this devotion.”  

b) “In truth, this prayer does not come from the earth, but from Heaven…. And it can obtain everything.

c) “My Holy Wounds sustain the world… Ask Me that you may love them always because they are the source of grace. One must invoke them often, and draw one’s neighbor to them in order to impress in their heart the devotion for souls.

d) “When you experience some sorrow, or have something to suffer, you need to bring it hastily into my Wounds, and your sorrow shall be softened.”  “You have to often repeat before the sick this invocation: “My Jesus, pardon and mercy, through the merits of thy Holy Wounds! “This prayer shall soothe both the soul and body.”

e) “The sinner who will say the following prayer: “Eternal Father, I offer thee the Wounds of Our Lord Jesus Christ to heal those of our souls,” shall obtain his own conversion.”  “My Wounds shall repair yours.”

f) “There shall be no death for the soul who will expire in my Wounds: they give true life.”

g) “With every word of the Chaplet of Mercy you pronounce, I let a drop of my blood fall on the soul of a sinner.”

h) “The soul which honors my Holy Wounds and offers them to the Eternal Father for the souls in Purgatory, will be accompanied towards death by the very Holy Virgin and by the Angels and I Myself, resplendent in glory, I will receive them to crown them.

i) “The Holy Wounds are a treasure for the souls in Purgatory.

j) “The devotion to my Holy Wounds is the remedy for this time of sinfulness.  “From my Wounds come the fruit of holiness.

k) “You shall obtain all things, because it is the merit of my Blood which is of an infinite price.”

l) “With my Wounds and my Divine Heart, you can obtain all things.”

m) “Offer me your actions… United to my Holy Wounds, there are incomprehensible riches, even in the little ones.”

n) “It is necessary to expire while kissing these sacred Wounds.”

o) “The way of my Wounds is so simple, so easy to reach Heaven!…”

p) “My Wounds shall cover all your faults.” “Offer them to me often, for sinners, for: I thirst for souls.”

q) “This Chaplet of Mercy balances my Justice; it stops my vengeance.”

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